Friday, March 23, 2012

Why I'm House Blogging

They say the devil is in the details and nothing could be closer to the truth. Our house has gone through some significant cosmetic changes (retexturing of walls, new floors, paint, etc.) but there are a bunch of little things that are unfinished and I'm tired of it. I want reach a point where I can really enjoy my home and not be annoyed by the door trims needing to be painted or repaired.  Let me just say, that I am not a perfectionist but I've been living in my place for over 3 years and its about time we get all these details squared away.  I hope that by documenting all this stuff I'll stay motivated to keep gong and finally finish, sort of like a get fit journal for a person who is trying to achieve/maintain a healthy lifestyle. (I've also started a blog on that subject ... The Skinny On Me).

Also, I'm no longer digging the decor in my house and I blame all the blogs for exposing me to all the possibilities.  I wish I had known to check them out when we first got our house so I wouldn't have felt rushed to fill it with things that I don't really love, but lesson learned.  I'm trying to sell some furniture items and hopefully get a reasonable price for them since I really don't have the cash-flow to easily replace them. For the reason just mentioned, I should just probably keep everything as-is but I'm going to try to redecorate thoughtfully and on a TIGHT budget.

~ Sandra

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